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PDF-XChange Viewer 2.0.0035 中文版

PDF 閱讀工具 - PDF-XChange Viewer,與 Adobe Reader 相較之下,它可以在 PDF 上面加上註解、文字、框線、線條、圖形、戳記,而這些功能,以前在 Acrobat Writer 才會有,另外,多頁籤的瀏覽方式,讓你在開啟多個檔案時更方便切換,程式安裝完畢已是中文介面,官方亦有 Writer 版,是除了 Adobe 之外的另一種選擇! (阿榮

[2008.01.13]1.0.31-1.0.32 版已知問題:加入中文文字時,該段文字會重複顯示,例如:加入「阿榮」會變成「阿榮阿榮」,因此將版本更改為測試中文輸入正常的 1.0.30 版。(謝謝匿名讀者回報)
[2008.02.13] 1.0.34 版已解決上述中文輸入的問題。

PDF-XChange Viewer is an alternative viewer for PDF files that enables you to view and annotate PDF files. You can add text, sticky notes, and other annotations and save them to the file, which will be compatible with the standard Adobe PDF reader. The program also includes a handy loupe tool to zoom in on selected areas of a document, as well as options to extract text and images, export a documents to image formats, and more. PDF-XChange Viewer offers a modern, tabbed interface and an attractive set of features not commonly found in free PDF viewers. (Snapfiles)

[Version History] 關鍵字:PDFXVwer.zip


GIMP 2.4.5 中文版

免費繪圖軟體 - GIMP,經常被網友以「免費的 Photoshop」來比喻,在免費的前提之下,算是屬於比較專業級的繪圖軟體。(阿榮

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

[免安裝版] [中文切換工具] [教學]


CurrPorts 1.33 中文版

通訊埠聽診器 - CurrPorts,某個執行中的程式在本機開啟那個連接埠?在遠端開啟什麼連接埠?用這個程式讓你一目了然,可以應用在電腦抓毒上,判斷有沒有中木馬程式,也可以供網管人員設定防火牆參數的參考。(阿榮

CurrPorts displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it.
In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file.
CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons)

Version 1.33:

* Added support for saving comma-delimited (.csv) files.
* Added new command-line option: /scomma


RegShot Unicode

登錄檔比對工具 - RegShot,利用登錄檔備份的原理,可以在軟體安裝前將系統登錄檔儲存成 HIV 檔,當軟體安裝完畢,再作一份 HIV 檔,藉由兩個 HIV 檔的比對,可以分析出登錄檔的相異之處,產出 TXT 檔或 HTML 檔報告,便於了解安裝某軟體時的登錄檔變動情形,你也可以應用在對於某軟體的設定前後,查出登錄檔的設定方式。(阿榮

Regshot is a small,free and open-source(GPL) registry compare utility that allows you to quickly take a snapshot of your registry and then compare it with a second one - done after doing system changes or installing a new software product. The changes report can be produced in text or HTML format and contains a list of all modifications that have taken place between snapshot1 and snapshot2. In addition, you can also specify folders (with sub filders) to be scanned for changes as well.

[中文版] 關鍵字:登錄檔監控

IE7Pro 2.1 中文版

IE7Pro 是一款 Internet Explorer 6/7 瀏覽器的增強外掛,能讓 IE7 更易用、更好用、更安全也更加個性化。透過 IE7Pro,您可以雙擊關閉頁籤,從網址列打開新頁籤,管理頁籤的網頁瀏覽紀錄,IE7 當掉後可恢復瀏覽頁面, 將 IE7 選單提升到頂部顯示,隱藏快速搜索框,可修改 IE7 的並發連接網頁數量,提高瀏覽速度, 可選擇不同的外部程序瀏覽網頁原始檔。此外,您還可以使用游標手勢、超級拖放、網頁截圖、代理伺服器切換以及使用者 Script 和使用者外掛功能,其中使用者 Script 和使用者外掛為您瀏覽網際網路提供了更好的體驗,例如直接查看網站的 Alexa 排名、Pagerank,下載 Youtube 等影片,查看全球天氣預報等等。

IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, Spell Check, Inline Search, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many more power packed features. You can customize not just Internet Explorer, but even your favorite website according to your need and taste using IE7Pro.

Changelogs: IE7Pro v2.1 (3/3/08):
1.Change IE7Pro icon
2.IE7Pro improved
* User config file online backup
* Add keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+Mouse hover over mediaplayer control to save media file(Support download Youtube/dailymotion/tudou.com/6.cn)
* spellcheck improved
* inline search improved
* Crash recovery dialog changed to page
* Last session restore automatically now
* Open new window from address bar history
* User can hide commandbar of IE now
* Add support for always open popup window in new tab
* Clear url history work under vista now
* IE context menu add tab history
* Two shortcut added:
* Switch enable/disable Adblock
* Switch enable/disable MiniDM
3.MiniDM improved
* Keep pressing Ctrl+Alt to click link will disable miniDM
* MiniDM have log now
* MiniDM support SHA1/MD5 now
* MiniDM can ignore user defined file type.
* MiniDM support more action on exit
* MiniDM new fuction
* Local time
* User can add download task without enable main window
* User can hide alarm window now

VideoCacheView 1.07

影片快取播放工具 - VideoCacheView,對於瀏覽器所播放的影片而言,也是凡走過必留下痕跡,只要網路串流影片的提供者所採用的是快取技術,那麼,當你關閉 Firefox 或 IE 時,影片便會寫入瀏覽器暫存檔,而這個小工具可以快速的開啟曾經看過的影片(支援:WMV、FLV...等影片),或者另存新檔,即使是沒有副檔名的 FLV 也可以播放(推薦用 KMPlayer 來預設開啟),另外,由於 YouTube 不是使用快取技術,不過只要是你播放過的影片,皆可用它取得真實下載網址,可用續傳軟體下載後重新命名為 *.FLV。(阿榮

After watching a video in a Web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it for watching it in the future.
It automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all video files that are currently stored in it. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play flv files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.


Fresh UI 8.02

免費系統調校工具 - Fresh UI,讓你用更方便的點選方式,更改數百種的隱藏設定,包括使用者介面、系統設定、硬體設定、視窗程式設定、使用者環境與群組原則...等等。(阿榮frui.exe

[2007.08.16] 雖然說是免費軟體,規定還滿多的,得先用一個非免費信箱取得確認信,按確認信裡的下載連結後,才會發送免費註冊碼給你;如果你沒索取註冊碼,每次開啟後都要等數分鐘,才可以使用!滿令人反感的~

Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/2000/NT/ 98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know, such as:

* Customizing Windows User Interface (UI)
* Optimizing system settings
* Optimizing hardware settings
* Customizing Windows application settings
* Controlling user environment with policies